Friday, May 23, 2014

Happy Election Time feat. the PARTEI

Originally I intended to keep political contents away from this blog, but who cares. It's propaganda time! 'Cause it seems I've finally found a political party that boils my political interests down to an essence - and yes, they're actually on the ballots. Ladies and gentlemen: Die PARTEI.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Sorbs and Their Easter Cavalcade

Ever heard of the Sorbs? They're a people here in Eastern Germany who got lots of own traditions and even speak a separate language. Yet even though they've been living here for ages, barely anyone outside of Lusatia - that's their home region - knows about them. In spring I've been there a few times to see some of their traditions. I'll tell you about them. Today's tale is about some classy gentlemen wearing frock-coats and top hats who ride about the villages while singing fancy songs.