Somewhere on the outskirts of a town in south-western Bavaria: Two old factory buildings, given up and left to their own devices. Every morning there are a few joggers or dog owners passing by on their morning walk. Meanwhile, behind the fence, nature is slowy claiming back the place and canvasses for graffiti sprayers can be found everywhere...
Some people feel attracted by the aesthetics of decay or just by the absence of humans and want to have a look around the rooms, basements and halls. What might be there at the other end of those staris? What might that room over there have been used for in the past? But always be careful, you never know when something could be collapsing again...
This is what's called urban exploring. You just have to follow a simple rule: Don't leave, take or destroy anything - just keep it as you found it and don't leave any traces. The only things you take are memories and a lot of photos.
Well then, here they are. Back then in August I didn't really know about raw files yet (and didn't have enough memory space anyway), so it's just .jpgs straight from the camera.
First Impression...
The site has two large buildings, the first one mainly consists of factory halls.
The basement is flooded. Long exposure shot, actually it's darker down there.
Another floor of the factory building.
Prices are still in D-Mark instead of Euro. I wonder how long it has been...
Next to the factory there's a hydroelectric facility.
And from the other side you can see the second building, which is up next.
A few birches already found a comfortable place there.
And this is the inside. Lots of smaller rooms to balance out the giant factory halls.
Yup, it's slowly getting green again.
I have no idea what used to be here once. Or in all the other rooms...
I tried to give him(?) two teeth.
Into the light...
"Schon geil" = "Kinda cool after all"
Moss! o/
Down there they're always jogging... No, not on the roof.
Stairs looking very trustful and reliable.
I guess that one's not working anymore.
Aaand that's it for today. To be continued later, but elsewhere. Because southern Italy has quite a few abandoned places to offer as well.
Update (January 2015): Did some research; apparently this used to be a paper factory and by now (5 months later) everything got knocked down. Only piles of rubble left of everything you see above... mind-blowing. Now they want to construct some apartment buildings. Well, looks like I was there right in time.