Czech - not only is it dolled up with áll kíndš of fůnný střeakš, it also might sound pretty hard to pronounce if you're not used to Slavic languages. So for the ultimate experience here's ten Czech tongue twisters, kindly read to you (and translated) by a native speaker. Feel free to try it yourself!
Strč prst skrz krk.
Put a finger through your throat.
Od poklopu ku poklopu kyklop kouli koulí.
From one coverage to another one, cyclops rolling a ball.
Jestli mi toho vepře, mistře Pepře, přepepříte, tak si toho vepře, mistře Petře, sníte sám.
If you put more pepper on that pig, master Peter, you’ll eat that pig yourself, master Peter.
Tři sta třicet tři stříbrných stříkaček stříkalo přes tři sta třicet tři stříbrných střech.
Three hundred and thirty-three silver sprinklers were spattering over three hundred and thirty-three silver rooftops.
Šel pštros s pštrosicí a s pštrosáčaty…
A male ostrich with a female ostrich and with little ostriches were going wherever…
Leje leje na lilie, nechoďte ven v lijáku.
It’s raining, it’s raining on the lilies, don’t come outside during heavy rain.
Nenaolejuje-li Julie koleje, naolejuji je sám.
If Julia doesn’t oil a railway, I will do it myself.
Praskly mi Pepita pumpky.
My shepherd's check trousers got torn.
Sčeš si vlasy s čela.
Get your hair from your forehead away.
Když napíšeš, že napíšeš, tak napiš a nepiš, že napíšeš, když nenapíšeš. To já, když napíšu, že napíšu, tak napíšu, a nepíšu, že napíšu, když nenapíšu. Tak pa a napiš.
When you write that you’ll write, then do write and don’t write that you’ll write, when you don’t writ. 'Cause me, when I write that I’ll write, then I do write and I don’t write that I’ll write, when I actually don’t. So bye and write me!
Glad you don't have to talk like that? Well, to give you an impression of what Czech normally sounds like, here's a few songs. I selected three, since you never know what's blocked at home in Germany. They're all very different though.