Well then, I'll be cycling around for a while from now on and on the road I'll be blogging about it. First day's over already and there's nothing special to report yet, but there has to be some kind of introduction post I guess. Here it is.
Roughly speaking I'll make my way to the South, starting from a small village in Eastern Saxony. About the exact route... that's a surprise. In any case, I'm going to Czechia first. Because I'm stingy (and on a tight budget) I'll just sleep in a tent most of the time, but now and then there'll be other opportunities as well.
Now I could just post some kind of logbook entry for every day and illustrate it with some photos, but I don't want to and pretty much nobody would care about that anyway. So I'll just pick some special places, traditions and events and write about them. Kind of like I did until now, just a bit shorter. Now and then I might try being creative again or post some other nonsense. As opportunity arises, let's see. Since I won't always have internet accesss, everything will appear about two weeks late here (including what you're reading right now).
But I won't deny myself a diary completely. For that purpose there'll be collective posts for the past few days when a larger region is passed, though the entries for each day will be rather short. I'll add a map displaying the route up to that point as well as general impressions from the region or country that weren't mentioned in previous posts.
Okay, so that's the plan. Will see for how log the motivation will hold out.
Until now I just followed a known way through Saxon Switzerland and along the Elbe river, passing the border to Czech Republic in the evening. Tomorrow I'll continue to Prague.
At the Czech border. Weather isn't great, but that will work out alright.
...wait a moment.
Perhaps someone should tell them there's news in the Eastern bloc?